Internet Marketing – Best Way towards Online Success

>> Kamis, 07 Mei 2009

Internet Marketing is Lucrative! Pictures, Images and Photos

Today becoming an internet marketer is a dream of everyone to earn money and to become successful. We all either want to known as Mr. Internet Marketing like Dave Davis, Matt Cuts etc. Internet Marketing should be your main objective like starting your own online business, cost involved in starting your internet marketing business and the minimum cost involved in it.

Let us compare between an online marketing with the offline (hard core) marketing business. First of all online internet marketing requires less amount to start up your business whereas in offline business it requires lots of money, funds, space, time and all. You need to have 5Ms - men, machine, material, money and methods whereas in internet marketing only hosting cost, one computer or so. It does not require paying salaries to the employees.

Internet Marketing requires specific skills to implement it. If you know the tricks and you need to continuously change your tricks or secrets in the internet marketing. You can earn a lot in less than a year or less than in 6 months whereas in offline business it requires a lot of time to reach your ROI.

Through internet marketing you can reach globally in lesser time. You will get much traffic to your website that leads to higher ranking of your site in search engines.

There are many ways to earn money through online internet marketing and they are as follows –

• Search Engine Optimization - is the process of improving the volume or quality of traffic to a web site from search engines via natural search results.

• Pay Per Click Marketing – It is an internet advertising in which advertisers pay their host only when their ad is clicked.

• Affiliate Marketing – It is an Internet-based marketing practice in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought about by the affiliate's marketing efforts.

• Social Media Optimization – It is a set of methods for generating publicity through social media, online communities and community websites.

• Online Reputation Management – It is the practice of consistent research and analysis of one’s personal or professional, business or industry reputation as represented by the content across all types of online media.

• WebPR – It is a way in which you can get your message out online. It is used to connect with customers and enhance brand awareness, exposure and SEO (search engine optimisation) efforts using various online channels like article directories, press release sites, industry related sites, online newsrooms, blogs, forums and social media.

• Online Copywriting – It is the use of word to promote person, business, opinion and the idea.

• Web Analytics – It is the measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of internet data for purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage.

• Mobile Marketing – It is also meant to describe marketing on or with a mobile phone. While the Internet and the personal computer have had a profound impact on the world we transact in, it is the mobile phone that presents an exciting opportunity for even more of the world to access the benefits of these inventions. It is easy to learn, handle and to carry with varied features installed in a small instruments.

• Viral Marketing – It is also known as word of mouth marketing which aims to result in a message spreading exponentially.

• E-mail marketing – It is a tool for customer relationship management.

• Online advertising - The main purpose of this is to deliver business messages to attract customers.

These are the various internet marketing methods; if you follow or adopt any one of these you can earn a lot of money. There are various methods and techniques are involved in it. If you learn any of these techniques in detail you can earn a lot of money.


People in Your Office are Morons!

Every day in every office, someone is misunderstood. It’s the consummate struggle in every office…communication. Could it be that communication is such a challenge because secretly we want to be misunderstood? Could it be that we survive in the workplace by being cryptic and intentionally misunderstood? Maybe if people understood what we really meant, they wouldn’t like it very much.

To break it down to the root of the communication issue, clearly a mismatch exists between what is said in the workplace and what is really meant. Perhaps, it’s because we are all programmed to be “politically correct”. Perhaps we are trying to cover-up our own inadequacies. Perhaps, it’s because we are programmed to “put lipstick on the pig”. Perhaps, we just relish the fun of trying to keep everyone around us guessing.

Let’s take a look at how the office functions today. We stroll around exchanging pleasantries with co-workers, bosses and the people we manage. We exchange thoughts, in private, during one-on-one conversations with our co-workers. We sit in meetings of endless conversation, as we strive to understand what is being said. We filter through piles and piles of emails with conversation chains a mile long. We endure performance reviews where our boss gives us their always valuable input and assessment.

Have you ever had a pleasant conversation with someone at the office and walked away feeling as if you might have been missing something? The look on their face, the tone of their voice – did they just insult you with pleasant conversation? After all, the slightest change in the tone of your voice can deliver a swift slap across the face with a simple “hello!”

Like a meticulously choreographed dance, most conversations in the office take place in our thoughts, not our spoken words. So we decided to take a look at real conversations to find the real meanings.

Let's face it, based on the conversations you have everyday at the office - the people you work with are morons.


Make Your Ex Boyfriend Want You Back No Matter The Situation

Wouldn't it be great if instead of wondering "how to win back your ex", you could do something that would make your ex boyfriend want you back? Well, there is. Simply read on to know what.

How To Make Your Ex Boyfriend Want You Back

1. Send him a friendly message: It could be an email or a phone message that lets him know you're doing great and enquires about his well being. Since the guy is the one who generally makes the first move, your actions will be surprising yet exciting.

Make sure you do not refer to your break up or mention you want to get back together at all. The purpose here is simply to open up the lines of communication and nothing more.

2. Go on, ask your ex boyfriend out for a date: Now that the two of you can talk without any awkwardness, it's time for you to ask your ex out on a date. This is another move that will catch him by surprise, but again a pleasant one. Men know that it takes a lot of guts for a woman to ask a man out and he'll know that you did so because you still have feelings for him. So, without your having to say it, your work is done!

When you do meet, make sure both of you have a great time and there's no breakup talk at all. Once he starts to enjoy your company, he'll actually start looking forward to meeting you!

3. See other guys: This last step had to be the most surprising of all and isn't it? You may wonder about the sanity of dating other guys if you and your ex are beginning to re-connect. However, once your ex boyfriend sees that you're not just stuck up on him but are open to other possibilities, he'll want to come right back. After all, if you're not seeing someone else he has all the time to make up his mind. But, if there's another guy on the scene, believe me he won't wait till the other guy sweeps you off your feet.

To make your ex boyfriend want you back, you need to understand what makes men tick and move in on them slowly. Men doesn't always clue in on things as quickly as females so you can build up your attraction before his eyes without him even realizing what your true plans are.

However, there are some things that could devastatingly sabotage your changes of getting him back...


Pay-Per-Click Advertising Will Payoff

Profitability with Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising comes down to how well you have chosen your keywords. Choose too generic a term and you get unnecessary traffic. Choose too specific a term and you'll miss out on traffic your competitors will get. You are still better to go one step deeper and find keywords more specific to your niche market - and as you will notice, the cost per click becomes much more reasonable which means your return on investment for PPC advertising becomes much greater. So, that's all great information, but how do you find those reasonable keywords and phrases that will bring traffic to your business? This is where you will become a detective.

TIP (1) Use Keyword Suggestion Tools

There are various keyword suggestion tools that you can access on the internet to assist you in finding commonly searched terms -- some even list combinations that you may not have even thought of. Here are a few of them to try out...

Overture Search Term Suggestion Tool:

Google Ad word Suggestion Tool:

TIP (2) Test It

Keyword targeting is not an exact science. As with every other marketing technique, you need to test it. You can get a lot of traffic without hurting your budget, if you learn and use your keyword tools. A good start is Google Ad words and Overture, so my advice is to test using these PPC's.

You should have narrowed your keywords down to a point where you are risking .05 cents to .80 cents per click rather than $2.00/click, so your exposure should be more in your defined niche. Finally, you need to watch both the short-term and longer term impact of PPC. Shorter term, you'll notice traffic coming from PPC right away in your web logs - so you'll get a sense of click-through rates, and eventually sales in 1-2 weeks.

Longer term though, being listed in the top 3 spots often provides you additional exposure through special marketing arrangements each PPC has made with specific search engines.

Weeks after your initial campaign you will often start to see a significant bump in search engine activity as the result of being in the top 3 of PPC's.

For the vast majority of businesses who don't have unlimited funds for marketing, stay away from following the broad keywords - try and focus on niche keywords. That's how you can make Pay- Per-Click pay YOU.

Swine Flu - How To Protect Yourself Quickly & Easily


Swine Flu:

The current issue of the swine flu, this is caused by an Influenza A type virus.

This determines the characteristics, such as shape and make up of the virus.

Byotrol from Northern Environmental kills this type of virus.

It is the infections that are caused by the swine flu virus that are difficult to control/treat.

Byocare Handmousse used on hard surfaces or hands kills the virus it does not treat the disease. Byotrol helps ‘prevent’ and protect – EN1500 with 30 minute and 16 hours control!

This may not be as direct proof as we like but we can be very confident that Byotrol is effective against flu virus

Below are some guidelines on our website – I have highlighted in red several of the many key features whereby simple, back to basic measures underpinned by the Byotrol Technology can help.

Swine Flu - Byotrol Publishes Guide Lines To Help Businesses

27th Apr 2009

Pandemic Flu Policy & Contingency Plan


A Swine Flu ( influenza) pandemic has the potential to severely affect UK

Business, employees and their families, and requires specific planning over and above that made for disasters It is recommended the planning focuses on:

• Raising employees awareness of the threat of a pandemic and testing staff preparedness:

• Maintaining health surveillance and hygiene measures:

• Producing action plans that are specific to each of the business’s locations, taking into account local healthcare provision and regulatory systems governing drug licensing and stockpiling : and

• Enhancing protection for high risk and vulnerable employees.

2 Background

Pandemic influenza (flu) is a type of influenza that occurs every few decades and which spreads rapidly to affect most countries and regions around the world.

Unlike the “ordinary” flu that occurs every winter in the UK, pandemic flu can occur at any time of year.

Pandemic flu is much more serious than “ordinary” flu. As much as a quarter of the population may be affected – possibly more.

Pandemic flu is likely to cause the same symptoms as ordinary flu but the symptoms may be more severe because nobody will have any immunity or protection against the particular virus.

Swine influenza or “Swine Flu” is a contagious disease caused by mutation in influenza A viruses.

Swine Flu - How To Protect Yourself Quickly & Easily

3 Planning for a PANDEMIC

3.1 The CEO should be the business’s designated pandemic coordinator and a pandemic response team from across the business should be set up and trained in clearly defined rolls.

3.2 The functions of the pandemic response team includes

• Maintaining the team’s own awareness of global developments in Swine Flu (including guidance on containment strategies and vaccines)

• Developing training and awareness materials for the business

• Briefing the Management Board

• Ensuring links are maintained with external stakeholders in planning for a pandemic flu (e.g. suppliers, customers and where relevant the Public)


Working practices and social distancing

• Employees who are fit to return to work following an absence due to pandemic flu (and who have therefore developed immunity to the disease) might be considered for high-risk, essential roles.

• The company should establish flexible working policies, enabling line managers to agree home working, different shift patterns, or relocation to a site more local to the employee’s home where appropriate.

• Employees will be required to work at least one metre away from colleagues to ensure social distancing and managers will reconfigure work-site layouts to enable this to take place

• Other social distancing responses are likely to include:

o Absolutely no shared use of Telephones and mobiles

o Advising employees to avoid face-to-face meetings and to use telephone and internet services instead, where possible

o If this is not possible, meeting only in a large room and maintaining a distance of at least one metre between participants

o Advising employees to avoid crowded places (lifts) or heavily populated gatherings (e.g. sporting events)

o Advising employees to avoid travelling at busy periods on public transport

• Essential workers who are totally reliant on public transport may be offered dedicated transport to and from work

Infection Control

• During a pandemic the business should seek to reduce the overall and specific risks to members of staff by taking appropriate infection control actions (e.g. strengthening guidance on hand washing, unnecessary contact such as hand shaking and isolataion of any member of staff with symptoms such as coughing)

• Basic health protection advice including the following guidance:

o Avoid close contact

o Staying at home when sick or sickening

o Covering completely with disposable tissues mouth and nose when sneezing and coughing sanitising hands afterwards

o Avoiding touching eyes, nose and mouth

• Additional protection measures will be taken to ensure that influenza does not spread through contaminated objects and surfaces, such as handles, railings and counters. Surfaces touched by hands will be cleaned at least daily using Byotrol products.

• Staff with flu-like symptoms will be required to stay at home until the symptoms disappear and will be allowed in the workplace only in extreme circumstances

• Staff developing symptoms at work will be accommodated in a designated isolation room while arrangements are made to transport them home. Precautions will be introduced for all those entering and leaving this room.

Swine Flu - How To Protect Yourself Quickly & Easily

Staff at risk of developing influenza-related complications (e.g. pregnant workers and those with compromised immune systems) will be reassigned from high-risk work sites and locations in the event of a pandemic.

Business and personal travel

• Only essential business travel should be considered during a pandemic and procedures for approving travel need to be tightened, requiring authorisation from a senior manager

• The pandemic response team should monitor travel plans and new procedures for notifying employees’ location during periods of business travel will be introduced in the event of a pandemic

• Staff required to visit pandemic-affected areas on business will be provided with appropriate health advice and personal protective equipment (e.g. masks, Byotrol based handwipes) and employees will have the right to refuse to travel to such areas

• Staff visiting affected areas for non-business purposes during a pandemic may need to be required to stay away from work for a period of quarantine on unpaid leave.

3.3 Goods services and functions of the business that are essential to its operations and survival will be defined and the Business will:

• Carry out devolution planning: i.e. plan which services can be carried out by other sites:

• Develop an order of succession: i.e. plan which services can be carried out by personnel other than those who normally given the task and train non-essential back-up staff to perform essential tasks

• Stockpile small quantities of essential supplies, materials and equipment

• Ensure that maintenance plans are up to date to guarantee that all equipment essential to the business’s operation is capable of sustained operation in the event of a pandemic

• Prepare time lines for how long it will be possible for the Business to carry out its essential functions without critical supplies, personnel and equipment

• Produce forecasts of employee sickness absence during a pandemic flu

• Put in place policies to enable flexible working (e.g. home- working ) in the event of a pandemic flu:

• Put in place a pandemic response team that will take steps to heighten awareness of the Business infection control procedures, particularly provisions covering hand hygiene:

• Provide specific training for all employees and students on personal, workplace and family protection and actions to take as a pandemic develops;

• Prepare employee support services, including grief counselling and psychiatric care ;

• Ensure that adequate supplies of infection control materials (Byotrol mousse for hand hygiene, surface sprays, wipes, gloves and masks) are held in preparedness for a pandemic.

The Byotrol hand hygiene programme is just one element of our ‘Hygiene Revolution’ whereby we can challenge and manage the Critical Control Points within food processing / preparation / service:

Floors / Food Contact surfaces / Hands

Product offering:

Hand Hygiene / Skin care Unit Pack End user unit price

Byocare Mousse

50ml 30 x 50ml £2.99

Byocare Mousse

600ml 12 x 600ml £8.50

Byocare Mousse

5L - re-fill 4 x 5L £16.00

Swine Flu - How To Protect Yourself Quickly & Easily


For Food-processing, food-preparation and food-service there are complex hygiene issues such as:

 Food preparation: deli, bakery, on site food prep: sandwiches etc

Floors: HD Food Safe Degreaser/ food contact surface Byosan, Cleaner Sanitiser + (Ready for use), Byowipe (Byosan liquid inside)

 Food storage, display and check out – floors, shelving, check-out conveyors

Broad spectrum usage: Byowipe – kills and protects / multi surface usage

 People ‘hands’: one of the major contributing factor for food spoilage and pathogens – some statistics claim upto 80% can be attributed to poor hand hygiene

(General public: circa 40% of men and 20% of women do not wash their hands after using the toilet)

(Catering workers: circa 50% do not wash their hands prior to preparing food)


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